

Browse Result: Showing Top 10 Results

Searching For: 1857-2685 2345-1149

The Slavs in Central Germany

Since the early Middle Ages, covered the moving of West Slavic tribes in considerable part of the Central Europe, extending…

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Views: 1

Daniil Galitsky and Templars

The article discusses the unique in the history of ancient Russia case - direct contact GaLician-Volyn Prince Daniel Romanovich with…

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Views: 1

Some disputed issues study Galicia-Volyn Russia while Roman Mstislavovich and Daniel Romanovich (notes on modern Historiography)

The article assesses the state of current research in the field of history of GaLicia-Volyn Rus, identifies and analyzes the…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Rusins in Moldavian Historiography

Based on the analysis of Medieval Moldavian and Rumanian sources and works, the Old-Rus' population of the Carpatho-Dniestrovian region, the…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

The Russo-Turkish War 1768-1774 and the end of turkish domination in Northern Bukovina

The beginning and progress of military operations between Turkish and Russian forces during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774 is researched.…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

The ancient Russian legend from Rugen

This article presents a summary of the study, which was an attempt to find historical parallels the plot known Pushkin's…

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Views: 1

To the question about contacts of population of the Lower and Middle Dniester littoral in the first half of the II millennium BC

The article with the little known and recently studied funeral complexes of the Lower and Middle Dniester littoral, referred to…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

The Russian Pravda and sources of the Old Russian right

In this article the author propose the quite new research aspects of the old Russian code of laws - Russian…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

The Imperial purple of the Galician-Volynian Princes

Together with the untypical for the Rurikides "Byzantine" names of the Galich princes the political and cultural inheritance of Roman…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

The Ruthenian journey from the Carpathian mountains to the Panonian Plain

lthough the Ruthenians / Rusyns in Serbia (less than 15 000 members of the Ruthenian (Rusyn national community today) were…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1


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